
The standard messages.yml file

  prefix: "&f[&cBloodmoon&f]"
  no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to that command!"
  unexisting-command: "&cThis command does not exist! Type /bloodmoon to see all commands"
  only-players: "&cThis command can only be executed from ingame!"
  already-running: "&cThe bloodmoon is already running for that world"
  not-running: "&cThe bloodmoon is not running for that world"
  config-reload: "&aBloodmoon config reloaded!"
  specify-type: "&cPlease specify the %type%!"
  type-exists: "&c%type% already exists"
  type-not-exists: "&cThe %type% does not exist!"
  type-not-valid: "&cThe %type% is not valid!"
  invalid-args: "&cInvalid arguments for the %type%!"
  args-format: "&aArguments format: &c %args%"
  type-added: "&a%type% has been added to &f%subtype%"
  type-created: "&a%type% has been created"
  type-updated: "&a%type% has been updated!"
  type-removed: "&a%type% has been removed"
  type-spawned: "&a%type% has been spawned"
  type-list: "&aThe list for %type%:"
  empty-type-list: "&aThis %type% has no %subtype% yet!"
  list-item: "&a[%position%] &e%arg%"
  type-not-found: "&c%type% not found"
  item-received: "&e%player% &freceived &e%amount% &a%type%"
  hold-item: "&cPlease hold the item you want to use"
  use-data: "&aYou may use the following data in the items.yml:"
  not-scheduled: "&cThe bloodmoon is not scheduled!"
  cancel-night: "&cYou cannot cancel a bloodmoon schedule during nighttime. Wait until the night is over"
  canceled: "&cScheduled bloodmoon is canceled for world: &e%world%"
  already-scheduled: "&cThe bloodmoon is already scheduled!"
  schedule-night: "&cYou cannot schedule a bloodmoon during nighttime. Wait until the night is over"
  scheduled: "&cBloodmoon scheduled for world: &7%world%"
  start-day: "&cYou cannot start the bloodmoon during the day!"
  started: "&cBloodmoon started for world &7%world%"
  stop-day: "&cYou cannot stop the bloodmoon during the day!"
  stopped: "&cBloodmoon stopped for world &7%world%"
  sleep: "&cYou cannot sleep during the bloodmoon event!"
  portal: "&cThe portal is blocked by a magical force ..."
  world-not-enabled: "&cThis world is not enabled"
  command-blocked: "&cYou cannot run this command during a bloodmoon"
  mobs-removed: "&aAll bloodmoon mobs have been removed"
  sign-created: "&aNew bloodmoon sign created!"
  sign-action-not-exist: "&cThis sign action does not exist!"
  sign-action-parameter-missing: "&cPut a sign action name on the 2nd line!"
  sign-destroy-no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to destroy that sign!"
  sign-destroyed: "&aBloodmoon sign destroyed!"
  sign-use-no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to use that sign!"
  sign-create-no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to create that sign!"
  running-version: "&eYou are running version &a%version%"
  invalid-world: "&cThis world is not valid!"
  bloodmoon-scheduled: "&aYou have scheduled the Bloodmoon for &e%world% &ain &e%days% &adays"

Last updated